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Innopeda Podcast Series: Episode 10
Talk Podcast: Innopeda and innovation competencies
Guest: Tarja Åberg, Lecturer, Turku UAS
Host: Milla Järvipetäjä, Research Group Leader, Senior Lecturer, Project Manager, Turku UAS
Students need field specific competencies and in addition, a set of so-called innovation competences during their studies.
Host Milla Järvipetäjä discuss with her quest, lecturer Tarja Åberg what these competencies are and how we can enforce them?
Innovation competencies have been defined in co-operation with other several international universities. According to the latest research, innovation competences have five dimensions that focus on creativity, critical thinking, initiative, team working and networking.
For example in FINCODA project one of the the main objectives was to develop the assessment of innovation competences and a measurement tool for the purpose in question.
In this episode Tarja Åberg tells more about project learning and project learning environment in Turku UAS. The importance of innovation competencies highlights in these kind of learning situations.
Will there be new competencies – as resilience? Covid-19 situation has shown that resilience is an really important feature. But is it a competence or even a skill?
Listen episode 10 for more information.
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